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He started to lean towards you, just as Howard had done what seemed like just yesterday. The same one you’d seen in his father’s eyes. He was looking at you with a twinkle in his eye. You were looking at Tony as a legacy, a reminder, a comfort. Tony’s eyes were glued to yours, he was looking for something entirely different than you. It was uncanny and yet somehow it was reassuring and comforting knowing that so much of him had lived on. “Okay,” you agreed, your eyes searching his face. “Work for me,” he begged in a breathy tone. He had closed the gap between you two and you hadn’t really noticed the closeness until you glanced up and he was right there, right next to you. “Really? Me too,” he said quietly as he got closer to you. You were too enthralled with the gadgets in front of you to realize he was flirting. “I think I would like that,” you said, not noticing where his eyes went.

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You were stunning, in a subtle, classy sort of way, and your mind…How could he not be drawn to you? He wasn’t usually this forward or flirty when it came to women, at least not at first, but you were different. “We could work…together…in here…alone…” he said, trailing off as his eyes traveled your backside, down your skirt, to your legs, and then your heels. “I could spend all day in here,” you admitted. “I may have some idea,” he said with a shrug as his gaze touched on a few things in his lab. “Ah, Tony, you have no idea how amazing this all is. “Seems like you two were close,” he noted. He would’ve thought an 80 year gap would be one hell of a hump to hurdle but you were doing it seamlessly. You understood all of the technology must faster than he thought you would. You were picking up on everything he threw your way. Tony was standing close, his hand on his table as he had been watching you in awe for the longest time. “You have no idea how many of his dreams you’ve achieved.” “Your father would be so proud of you,” you said suddenly as you eyed another project of his. Shout out to my beta Tags: Tags: spent about six hours in the lab with Tony, admiring his suits, looking over his computers, learning what a computer was, learning what the internet was, discovering his monitors and his heads up display that responded to his touch. I realize this is sort of…out of my usual scope, but inspiration struck so I went with it! I hope you like it! It also prompted me to binge watch Agent Carter from start to finish. Note: I thought of this as I watched Captain America: First Avenger, I loved Howard’s humor and his wit. Whipple), we live in a more sexually educated era than ever-so rejoice in the fact that female ejaculation makes no difference in how "normal" you are in the sack.Prompt: Imagine being in love with Howard Stark back in the 40s…Only to meet his son nearly a century later. Luckily, the '80s are long gone, and (thanks in part to Dr. Before we conducted and published our findings on female ejaculation back in the early 1980's, many women reported that they felt embarrassed, stopped experiencing orgasm, or had surgery to correct the expulsion of fluid," she says.

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The fluid looks like watered-down fat free milk, tastes sweet, and does not smell like urine. It is the release of about a teaspoon of a fluid from the urethra. John Perry and I named the Grafenberg spot or G spot. "Female ejaculation occurs with or without orgasm, usually related to stimulation of the area Dr. Beverly Whipple, Ph.D., sex educator, researcher and co-author of The G Spot and Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality (in short, one of the heroes responsible for popularizing the term "g spot") tells SELF that female ejaculation has long been a source of embarrassment and misunderstanding, even though it's nothing to be ashamed of.

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